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Rev 1221 | Details | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

Rev Author Line No. Line
671 werner 2
**    iLand - an individual based forest landscape and disturbance model
**    Copyright (C) 2009-  Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl
**    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
**    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
**    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
**    (at your option) any later version.
**    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**    GNU General Public License for more details.
**    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
**    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
187 iland 21
92 Werner 23
#include "tree.h"
189 iland 25
#include "resourceunitspecies.h"
180 werner 26
#include "standstatistics.h"
293 werner 27
#include <QtCore/QVector>
#include <QtCore/QRectF>
92 Werner 29
class SpeciesSet;
208 werner 30
class Climate;
241 werner 31
class WaterCycle;
521 werner 32
class Snag;
526 werner 33
class Soil;
1159 werner 34
struct SaplingCell;
444 werner 35
281 werner 36
struct ResourceUnitVariables
1157 werner 38
    ResourceUnitVariables(): nitrogenAvailable(0.), cumCarbonUptake(0.), cumCarbonToAtm(0.), cumNEP(0.), carbonUptake(0.), carbonToAtm(0.), NEP(0.) {}
281 werner 39
    double nitrogenAvailable; ///< nitrogen content (kg/m2/year)
1157 werner 40
    double cumCarbonUptake; ///< NPP  (kg C/ha)
    double cumCarbonToAtm; ///< total flux of carbon to atmosphere (kg C/ha)
    double cumNEP; ///< cumulative ecosystem productivity (kg C/ha), i.e. cumulative(NPP-losses(atm,harvest)
    double carbonUptake, carbonToAtm, NEP; ///< values of the current year (NPP, flux to atmosphere, net ecosystem prod., all values in kgC/ha)
281 werner 44
92 Werner 45
187 iland 46
class ResourceUnit
92 Werner 47
187 iland 49
    ResourceUnit(const int index);
241 werner 50
449 werner 51
    // setup/maintenance
    void setup(); ///< setup operations after the creation of the model space.
    void setSpeciesSet(SpeciesSet *set);
    void setClimate(Climate* climate) { mClimate = climate; }
451 werner 55
    void setBoundingBox(const QRectF &bb);
569 werner 56
    void setID(const int id) { mID = id; }
255 werner 57
234 werner 58
    // access to elements
255 werner 59
    const Climate *climate() const { return mClimate; } ///< link to the climate on this resource unit
449 werner 60
    SpeciesSet *speciesSet() const { return  mSpeciesSet; } ///< get SpeciesSet this RU links to.
255 werner 61
    const WaterCycle *waterCycle() const { return mWater; } ///< water model of the unit
521 werner 62
    Snag *snag() const { return mSnag; } ///< access the snag object
526 werner 63
    Soil *soil() const { return mSoil; } ///< access the soil model
1159 werner 64
    SaplingCell *saplingCellArray() const { return mSaplings; } ///< access the array of sapling-cells
1203 werner 65
    SaplingCell *saplingCell(const QPoint &lifCoords) const; ///< return a pointer to the 2x2m SaplingCell located at 'lif'
526 werner 66
255 werner 67
    ResourceUnitSpecies &resourceUnitSpecies(const Species *species); ///< get RU-Species-container of @p species from the RU
1040 werner 68
    const ResourceUnitSpecies *constResourceUnitSpecies(const Species *species) const; ///< get RU-Species-container of @p species from the RU
1162 werner 69
    ResourceUnitSpecies *resourceUnitSpecies(const int species_index) const { return mRUSpecies[species_index]; } ///< get RU-Species-container with index 'species_index' from the RU
720 werner 70
    const QList<ResourceUnitSpecies*> &ruSpecies() const { return mRUSpecies; }
105 Werner 71
    QVector<Tree> &trees() { return mTrees; } ///< reference to the tree list.
449 werner 72
    const QVector<Tree> &constTrees() const { return mTrees; } ///< reference to the (const) tree list.
294 werner 73
    Tree *tree(const int index) { return &(mTrees[index]);} ///< get pointer to a tree
281 werner 74
    const ResourceUnitVariables &resouceUnitVariables() const { return mUnitVariables; } ///< access to variables that are specific to resourceUnit (e.g. nitrogenAvailable)
367 werner 75
    const StandStatistics &statistics() const {return mStatistics; }
255 werner 76
234 werner 77
    // properties
255 werner 78
    int index() const { return mIndex; }
569 werner 79
    int id() const { return mID; }
255 werner 80
    const QRectF &boundingBox() const { return mBoundingBox; }
1118 werner 81
    const QPoint &cornerPointOffset() const { return mCornerOffset; } ///< coordinates on the LIF grid of the upper left corner of the RU
1017 werner 82
    double area() const { return mPixelCount*100; } ///< get the resource unit area in m2
234 werner 83
    double stockedArea() const { return mStockedArea; } ///< get the stocked area in m2
574 werner 84
    double stockableArea() const { return mStockableArea; } ///< total stockable area in m2
280 werner 85
    double productiveArea() const { return mEffectiveArea; } ///< TotalArea - Unstocked Area - loss due to BeerLambert (m2)
575 werner 86
    double leafAreaIndex() const { return stockableArea()?mAggregatedLA / stockableArea():0.; } ///< Total Leaf Area Index
376 werner 87
    double leafArea() const { return mAggregatedLA; } ///< total leaf area of resource unit (m2)
449 werner 88
    double interceptedArea(const double LA, const double LightResponse) { return mEffectiveArea_perWLA * LA * LightResponse; }
    const double &LRImodifier() const { return mLRI_modification; }
    double averageAging() const { return mAverageAging; } ///< leaf area weighted average aging
255 werner 91
107 Werner 92
    // actions
287 werner 93
    Tree &newTree();  ///< returns a modifiable reference to a free space inside the tree-vector. should be used for tree-init.
    int newTreeIndex(); ///< returns the index of a newly inserted tree
449 werner 95
    void cleanTreeList(); ///< remove dead trees from the tree storage.
664 werner 96
    void treeDied() { mHasDeadTrees = true; } ///< sets the flag that indicates that the resource unit contains dead trees
720 werner 97
    bool hasDiedTrees() const { return mHasDeadTrees; } ///< if true, the resource unit has dead trees and needs maybe some cleanup
111 Werner 98
    /// addWLA() is called by each tree to aggregate the total weighted leaf area on a unit
212 werner 99
    void addWLA(const float LA, const float LRI) { mAggregatedWLA += LA*LRI; mAggregatedLA += LA; }
251 werner 100
    void addLR(const float LA, const float LightResponse) { mAggregatedLR += LA*LightResponse; }
230 werner 101
    /// function that distributes effective interception area according to the weight of Light response and LeafArea of the indivudal (@sa production())
376 werner 102
    void calculateInterceptedArea();
    void addTreeAging(const double leaf_area, const double aging_factor) { mAverageAging += leaf_area*aging_factor; } ///< aggregate the tree aging values (weighted by leaf area)
482 werner 104
    void addTreeAgingForAllTrees(); ///< calculate average tree aging for all trees of a RU. Used directly after stand initialization.
449 werner 105
    // stocked area calculation
    void countStockedPixel(bool pixelIsStocked) { mPixelCount++; if (pixelIsStocked) mStockedPixelCount++; }
720 werner 107
    void createStandStatistics(); ///< helping function to create an initial state for stand statistics
1157 werner 108
    void recreateStandStatistics(bool recalculate_stats); ///< re-build stand statistics after some change happened to the resource unit
574 werner 109
    void setStockableArea(const double area) { mStockableArea = area; } ///< set stockable area (m2)
1113 werner 110
521 werner 111
    // snag / snag dynamics
    // snag dynamics, soil carbon and nitrogen cycle
    void snagNewYear() { if (snag()) snag()->newYear(); } ///< clean transfer pools
526 werner 114
    void calculateCarbonCycle(); ///< calculate snag dynamics at the end of a year
111 Werner 115
    // model flow
107 Werner 116
    void newYear(); ///< reset values for a new simulation year
376 werner 117
    // LIP/LIF-cylcle -> Model
    void production(); ///< called after the LIP/LIF calc, before growth of individual trees. Production (3PG), Water-cycle
    void beforeGrow(); ///< called before growth of individuals
    // the growth of individuals -> Model
    void afterGrow(); ///< called after the growth of individuals
    void yearEnd(); ///< called at the end of a year (after regeneration??)
107 Werner 123
92 Werner 124
569 werner 125
    int mIndex; ///< internal index
    int mID; ///< ID provided by external stand grid
664 werner 127
    bool mHasDeadTrees; ///< flag that indicates if currently dead trees are in the tree list
208 werner 128
    Climate *mClimate; ///< pointer to the climate object of this RU
92 Werner 129
    SpeciesSet *mSpeciesSet; ///< pointer to the species set for this RU
241 werner 130
    WaterCycle *mWater; ///< link to the Soil water calculation engine
521 werner 131
    Snag *mSnag; ///< ptr to snag storage / dynamics
526 werner 132
    Soil *mSoil; ///< ptr to CN dynamics soil submodel
455 werner 133
    QList<ResourceUnitSpecies*> mRUSpecies; ///< data for this ressource unit per species
92 Werner 134
    QVector<Tree> mTrees; ///< storage container for tree individuals
1159 werner 135
    SaplingCell *mSaplings; ///< pointer to the array of Sapling-cells for the resource unit
105 Werner 136
    QRectF mBoundingBox; ///< bounding box (metric) of the RU
1118 werner 137
    QPoint mCornerOffset; ///< coordinates on the LIF grid of the upper left corner of the RU
251 werner 138
    double mAggregatedLA; ///< sum of leafArea
    double mAggregatedWLA; ///< sum of lightResponse * LeafArea for all trees
    double mAggregatedLR; ///< sum of lightresponse*LA of the current unit
    double mEffectiveArea; ///< total "effective" area per resource unit, i.e. area of RU - non-stocked - beerLambert-loss
230 werner 142
    double mEffectiveArea_perWLA; ///<
251 werner 143
    double mLRI_modification;
376 werner 144
    double mAverageAging; ///< leaf-area weighted average aging f this species on this RU.
451 werner 145
    float *mSaplingHeightMap; ///< pointer to array that holds max-height for each 2x2m pixel. Note: this information is not persistent
230 werner 146
151 iland 147
    int mPixelCount; ///< count of (Heightgrid) pixels thare are inside the RU
    int mStockedPixelCount;  ///< count of pixels that are stocked with trees
234 werner 149
    double mStockedArea; ///< size of stocked area
574 werner 150
    double mStockableArea; ///< area of stockable area (defined by project setup)
180 werner 151
    StandStatistics mStatistics; ///< aggregate values on stand value
281 werner 152
    ResourceUnitVariables mUnitVariables;
92 Werner 153
183 werner 154
    friend class RUWrapper;
92 Werner 155
863 werner 157
200 werner 158